Southend on Sea, Essex WEATHER

Bowls Green & Fine Turf Maintenance,
Mowing & Renovations brought to you by
Root2Shoot Greenkeeping Services Ltd

The Home of Performance Bowls Greens!

About Root2Shoot
Root2Shoot Greenkeeping Services Ltd is an industry leading, independent bowls green maintenance and fine turf care and renovations service provider, specialising in organic bowling green and fine turf maintenance.

We have been delivering high quality bowls green and fine turf maintenance as Root2Shoot for over 10 years.

We provide high quality and affordable solutions for projects of all sizes for bowls/sports clubs, local authorities, and commercial and private clients.

Performance bowls greens maintnenace services that are both professional & affordable !

Working with Nature!
Professional Bowls Green & Fine Turf Maintenance
Improve -  Maintain - Affordable

Bowls Green Maintenance & Turf Care

Our comprehensive BioTurf organic annual programme covers regular mowing, grooming, verti cutting, scarification, varied aerations, organic soil and plant nutrition, soil biology introduction and improvements and more to achieve and maintain the perfect playing surface.

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Renovations / Repairs

We undertake small repairs to bowls greens and edges through to full renovations and installations of bowling greens, bowling green edges and fine turf areas at competitive prices.

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Our consultancy service identifies the issues/problems within your green and rootzone by carrying out root zone core samples, soil analysis, on site visits, full report and recommendations. Contact us for information

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Sports Pitch & Outfield Turf Maintenance

Organic turf maintenance for all grass sport pitch and outfield areas.

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  • Unit C, Priory Works, Priory Avenue, Southend-on-Sea SS2 6LD, UK

Bio Turf Organic Bowls Green & Fine Turf Care

Our BioTurf organic turf care programme has been carefully designed to address the underlying issues in your green, overcome these and improve your green/fine turf. Many greens and fine turf areas are suffering as a result of many years of inadequate maintenance or even neglect. Over the past decades there has been an unhealthy culture within the greenkeeping industry of applying chemicals and applying unnecessary sand top-dressing and lack of the correct cultural practices, this leaving many bowls greens and fine turf areas lacking the micro-biology and diversity required to produce healthy rootzones to host a healthy grass plant. As a result we find many bowls greens and fine turf areas suffer from the same problems and issues: poor turf growth - lack of root depth/mass - poor root zone biological diversity - excessive thatch (organic matter) - dry patch (LDP) - prone to disease & pest damage - slow/heavy play with poor swing and or performance Now is the perfect time to start putting this right! Our BioTurf annual bowls green maintenance and turf care programme combines the correct balance of cultural practices incl. verti-cutting, scarification, varied aerations, mowing and our organic treatment applications throughout the year to reintroduce micro-biology back into your rootzone (and then support it), whereby we can then overcome, reduce and manage the problems in your green/fine turf. Our BioTurf treatments contains (amongst other treatments) extract produced from the highest grade organic vermicompost, containing the required beneficial soil microbes, plant available nutrients and minerals. Our regular organic treatment programme is used as a fertiliser, rootzone re-builder, turf and rootzone conditioner, and works as natural pest and disease control. Our BioTurf treatment is a living product and is full of dormant micro-organisms, that are ready to wake up and start working by repairing degraded soils, and recycling nutrients and minerals into organic state for the plant consumption. The extract is organic and chemical free, therefore is safe to use around humans, pets and in environmentally sensitive areas. 1. Feeds the rootzone, plants and micro-life. 2. Naturally protects plants from pests and disease. 3. Regenerates the rootzone by repairing and improving its health. 4. Encourages a thicker, denser turf sward for improved playing performance Some of the benefits from our regular BioTurf Treatments are: - Improved rootzone fertility and crumb structure - Improved humus levels - Improved thatch (organic matter) degrading and recycling into beneficial organic matter - Stimulated germination and grass plant growth - Improved metabolism of micro-organisms - Improved P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca uptake - Improved mineral and vitamin content in grass plant - Improved root growth and mass - Improved natural plant resistance to pests and diseases - Available source of humic, fulvic acids, growth enzymes, vitamins and minerals - Improved resistance to drought and frosts The results of our BioTurf programme can be seen both visually in the improvements in your green/fine turf surface along with rootzone core analysis. For more details please contact us via our contact form or by telephoning 01702 613960 or emailing

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The importance of soil / rootzone testing & analysis

The importance of soil / rootzone testing & analysis

In order for greenkeepers and turf managers to be able to create an effective maintenance programme for your bowls green, playing surface or fine turf verdant, several key components of soil / rootzone must first be tested, including: nutrients, pH, CEC, and organic matter. Regular soil / rootzone analysis is an essential part of any greenkeepers or turf managers' toolbox. Initially, it allows the greenkeeper the information to be able to compose a programme of fertilisation and cultural practices to begin improving the soil / rootzone and grass sward and then to be able to maintain them to a high standard. It allows the greenkeeper to help identify and predict the availability of nutrient levels and micro-biology for optimum grass plant growth and improvement of your playing surface. Bowls greens as with all sports surfaces by their nature will experience plenty of various stresses throughout their lifetime. In order to be able to encourage and maintain soil / rootzone and grass plant health, quality and performance; bowls greens and fine turf areas must receive all the oxygen, water, nutrients and microbiology they require. In conclusion, soil / root zone testing and analysis is vital to give greenkeepers the information they require to produce high quality performance bowls greens and fine turf areas.

The Soil / Rootzone Report

The Soil / Rootzone Report

There are many companies that offer soil / rootzone testing and analysis. However, the reports will resemble this one recently obtained by one of our clients, whereby the chemical analysis is presented to you in an easy to read format.



We recommend all our new clients to obtain a soil / rootzone test and analysis of their green / fine turf area as we commence our BioTurf organic maintenance. This provides the client and ourselves with a starting point we can compare all future analysis against, thus confirming where we are making improvements and where we may require to bespoke our maintenance programme for an individual green or fine turf area. We recommend annual testing and analysis. Our client Romford Bowls Club commenced our BioTurf organic maintenance programme January 2023, obtained their first test results and analysis 5th May 2023 and their second test result and analysis 29th September 2023. In just five months we were able to produce significant improvements across their root zone, backed by their chemical soil / rootzone testing and analysis carried out by The author of their report commented "Overall this is a good set of results in terms of soil chemistry, with some nice improvements since last time."

Cultural Practices

Aeration / Scarification / Verti-cutting

Treatments alone are not enough to produce a healthy, attractive and well performing sports pitch or outfield. The correct types and frequency of cultural practices are essential. Our BioTurf turf care programme includes: Aeriation - varied types and depths of aeration incl. solid tine, sarrel tine and slit tine aeration, assisting in rootzone decompaction, drainage and to ensure required gaseous exchange (Oxygen / CO2) to promote and maintain rootzone biology health. Scarification - assisting in the removal of thatch (dead organic matter) from the surface and immediate subsurface of your playing surface. Verti-cutting - assists to remove organic matter and horizontal growth during the main growing season, helping to reduce the conditions in which diseases can establish and thrive as well as removing coarser grasses and seed heads from your playing season such as from Annual meadow-grass. Regular verti-cutting throughout the main growing season encourages lateral growth, thereby helping encourage a thick, dense grass sward.

Organic Turf Maintenance


Our BioTurf organic turf care programme is a perfect solution for all grass and turf sport pitch and outfield areas. The combination of our regular cultural practices and organic treatments improves and maintains the rootzone structure and playing surface, improving health, strength/durability, appearance and performance. Providing the correct balance, our BioTurf turf care programme ensures your rootzone and plant biology, chemistry and physics are correct for the establishment and growth of fine turf grasses. Our organic turf care programme eliminates the requirement for chemical use within your maintenance programme which results in less disease, less harm to your rootzone biology and less problems with your turf playing surface.

Turf Treatments


Our regular organic turf treatments create and maintain a biologically active and healthy rootzone environment for your perennial grasses to establish and thrive in. where the required microorganisms provide natural defence mechanisms against disease, pests, dry patch and excessive thatch build up. Healthy soils contain mycorrhizal fungi which extend root systems and increase access to nutrients and water, thus helping to improve tolerance to wear and tear and extremes in weather and ground conditions. Our organic treatment applications provide your turf and rootzone with a complete fertiliser package containing various beneficial rootzone fungi (incl. mycorrhizae), bacteria and additional bio stimulants to provide a source of nutrition to grow and maintain the populations of beneficial rootzone microbes, improving soil crumb structure and promoting a healthy turf sward, designed specifically to encourage development of the soil biology diversity., promoting root depth and mass and improving plant water and nutrient uptake.

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